Ways to make Mom feels special on Mother's Day

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Thank you, Moms! Whether you are a mom, an aunt, a grandmother, a friend, or simply an adult in our lives that loved us as a mother would have, thank you! We are who we are today because of you. As people around the world celebrates Mother’s Day this year, here are some fun things we can do to show our “mom” our appreciation and love:

  1. Plan a fruit/vegetables picking outing.  As the temperature rises, many orchards may be opened for early picking.  It’s a wonderful time to go outside, spend time chit chatting with mom, and enjoy your harvest later! 

  2. Make a scrapbook together.  If you are able to visit Mom,  it may be fun to go through some old and recent photos and put a scrapbook together while you reminisce on the good times! 

  3. Enjoy a weekend getaway together.  If you are able, ditch the kids and everyone else, and just take Mom on a getaway trip.  It doesn’t have to be far.  Even a weekend trip to the nearby town will make lasting memories for years to come.

  4. Make food together.  You loved her cooking when you were young.  You missed it when you were away.  Now is a good time to cook with Mom and learn some of her recipes.  Write them down.  Hear about how she learned it.  It’ll be worth it.

  5. Serve breakfast in bed.  This is good for younger kids too! A simple breakfast with her favorite foods, some quiet time, and good laughs will be a great way to stay her special day.  Oh, don’t forget the clean up too!

  6. Watch a movie or concert together.  Keeping safety protocols in mind, it may be fun to take her to a drive through theater or an outdoor concert where social distancing is followed.  Or, if you like, you may also want to try just doing it at home with some ambiance!

  7. Plan a picnic.  It’s a beautiful time of the year.  Pack a picnic.  Take her to the nearby park.  Enjoy the sunshine together.  Don’t forget the sunscreen!

  8. Clean, clean, clean! One of many moms least favorite things to do - clean!  Show her your appreciation by doing some deep cleaning (or hire someone if you are able) so that she doesn't have to worry about it (at least for now!)

  9. Take an online class together.  If you are unable to physically be with you mom at this time, consider taking online classes together.  May it be cooking, painting, or yoga, just doing things together and laughing about it afterwards will likely bring great joy to both!

  10. Remember to say “I love you.”  Those three little words that mean the world to a mother. We sometimes forget to say it (or maybe too shy to say it.)  Don’t let a day go by (at least this day) without reminding her how much she means to you and how much you love her. 

Happy Mother’s Day!! Thank you for all you have done for us!  

The content provided in this blog is for informational purposes only.  This is not legal advice, and your viewing of this blog does not form any attorney-client relationship. 

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