Happy Birthday, America!
Ah! The 4th of July is coming up! As we celebrate with sales, fireworks and BBQ, let us also play some trivia about this day that is the birth of the United States of America!
When was the first Independence Day celebrated?
a. July 4, 1776
b. July 8, 1776
c. July 4, 1777
How many stripes are there on the American flag?
a. 12
b. 15
c. 13
When was Independence Day declared as a federal holiday?
a. 1776
b. 1941
c. 1952
Where was the first celebration of Independence Day held?
a. Philadelphia
b. Boston
c. Washington, D.C.
Which American President was born on July 4th?
a. George Washington
b. Woodrow Wilson
c. Calvin Coolidge
How many stars does the American Flag have?
a. 49
b. 50
c. 51
What is the name of the national anthem of the United States of America?
a. Star-Spangled Banner
b. America the Beautiful
c. My Country ‘Tis of Thee
What is the most consumed food on July 4th each year?
a. Hamburgers
b. Tacos
c. Hot dogs
Who signed the biggest signature on the Declaration of Independence?
a. Thomas Jefferson
b. George Washington
c. John Hancock
When did Congress officially declare its independence from Britain?
a. July 2, 1776
b. July 4, 1776
c. August 2, 1776
There you have it! Now you can see how many of your friends and family know these facts as you celebrate this year! (Answers below.)
Happy Independence Day!
Answers: b, c, b, a, c, b, a, c, c, a.
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