Resources for those suffering from domestic violence

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NOTE: If you believe you are in an emergency and need immediate assistance from the police, please call 9-1-1.

Domestic violence (also known as ‘family violence’) is when one member of the family or household abuses another member of the family or household.  The abuse can take place in several different forms: 

  • Physical abuse - involving physical harm.

  • Emotional abuse - involving threat or humiliations, or acts that cause the victim distress.

  • Sexual abuse - involving rape or unwanted physical contact.

  • Financial abuse - involving control of money or financial resources without permission.

Oftentimes, the victims are made to feel that they deserve it, or that they have no way out.  The victims may also fear retaliation if attempts of escape are unsuccessful.  Many may feel that they won’t have the support they needed, or that they are simply unaware of the resources out there.  

If you find yourself in this situation, or know of someone who may be in this situation, below are some resources that may be helpful.

NOTE: If you believe you are in an emergency and need immediate assistance from the police, please call 9-1-1.

  • The Family Violence Program is a program from the Texas Health and Human Services that offers free services for adults and children who are victims of domestic violence.  Their services are free of charge and have no income verification requirements for eligibility.

  • Texas Advocacy Project offers free legal hotline to victims of domestic violence, sexual assaults, and stalking.  They also have a virtual legal clinic that provides free face-to-face consultations with attorneys. 

  • Texas Council on Family Violence offers free 24/7 hotline to help you in case of crisis and can connect you to local domestic violence programs, shelters, and other resources you may need.

  • also has a searchable database to help you find resources in your area.  All you need to do is to put in your zip code. 

This is not an exhaustive list. There are many other resources out there from your local churches to community centers. If you find that your situations require you to file an action to protect yourself and/or your children in court, be sure to speak with an attorney before you proceed. While for some, proceeding on their own and not succeeding may be a matter of waste of time, for victims of domestic violence, this may be a matter of personal risks.

If you are a victim of domestic violence, please never give up.  You are not alone. There are resources out there to help and protect you and your children.  You are worthy of a life free from abuse.

The content provided in this blog is for informational purposes only.  This is not legal advice, and your viewing of this blog does not form any attorney-client relationship. 

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But we had a deal! (The danger of going off the child support order)


Domestic violence can happen to anyone.