Should I go to court without a lawyer?
To get a lawyer or to do it on your own? That is a question that probably came across some people’s minds when they are faced with a lawsuit. While some situations may be simple enough to handle on your own, you won’t know for sure unless you speak with someone familiar with the legal system.
Just like you may not want to fix your own car (especially when you have no experience doing so.) And, just like you may not want someone who is not a licensed mechanic to fix your car for you. You really shouldn’t try to handle a legal matter on your own without knowing that it is possible to do. The issue is - you may have no idea if even a seemingly simple matter may not be that simple after all.
Handling a legal case is not always an easy task. It is even harder when you are expected to be held to the same standard as an attorney when you represent yourself in court. That’s like trying to fight against Mike Tyson when you have never even stepped into the ring before!
First, you have to know the law. While you may have some idea of what you can and cannot do, you may not always be aware of what your rights are. There are also nuances that you may not even be aware of.
Aside from the law, there are rules that you have to follow. For example, there are rules for when to file things, when to do discovery (what is even “discovery”?). When to present evidence in court? What to do before you can present evidence in court? These things are not always stated in court orders. You may simply be expected to find out or know these things.
On top of that, you may also not be familiar with how to present your case in court that would get your point across. While some people simply pour out everything they want to say, this will likely confuse your audience and may be inefficient. Remember, you have limited time to get your point across. Sometimes, you have to pick and choose. You also have to know how to examine your witnesses and cross examine the other party and his/her witnesses. Guess what? There are rules for doing that too!
Therefore, even if you want to give it a shot and try to do it yourself, be sure to guard yourself with knowledge and experience. The best way to do this is to speak with an attorney about it first. The process is called a consultation. (You can find more about how to prepare for a consultation in my other blog post - here.) During the consultation, you can find out how complex your case is. You can also get an idea of whether or not you can really handle it on your own. When in doubt, get some help! Even if you feel that you cannot afford it, there are ways to get help. (See another one of my blog posts - here.)
Just remember, sometimes it is worth it to get help at the onset. By the time you run into a problem or a mess, fixing the issue may cost you much more than what you would have spent otherwise. If it is even fixable, that is.
The content provided in this blog is for informational purposes only. This is not legal advice, and your viewing of this blog does not form any attorney-client relationship.
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